We have always lived in

                     a Responsive Universe....



...one that defines our connection with humanity and the Cosmos, and from which instinctual

 energy and all forms arise...








Illumination of the

Nine Mandalas






Living with an Open Mind




The Art of Meditation

Religion, God, Creation
and the Universe

The De-Construction
of Organized Religion

 the Past


Living Healthy
 Mind and Body

and Positive Energy

Confronting Reality leads
to Self-Actualization


Join the Social Media

Bridging science with spirituality
 through meditation, mindfulness and self-discovery.

Everything tangible and intangible in the Cosmos is made of energy. Everything seen and unseen within this grand Universe is comprised of particles and waves of light and energy that are interconnected.  This Universe is boundless in periphery; its energy and form are immeasurable; everything linked at the sub-atomic level weaves this complex tapestry that is everything. Despite the immensity of the Cosmos, despite the far-reaching realm of space and time, there is a connective quality to all that exists. Everything is linked to this responsive field of instinctual energy. It is here in the quantum Universe that actions create reactions and energy can’t be destroyed, it simply changes form. In an interstellar dominion of noble gases, dark matter and pinpoint light, there is a responsive element that unites humans with an omnipresent link to love, wisdom, and energy. From imperfection is born beauty, energy, and human perception; this is what defines the Responsive Universe and is the source of our conscious and instinctual existence.

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Introducing a new and empowering book from
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Introducing a new and empowering book

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The Responsive Universe is a handbook to self-discovery. Within these pages are refreshing and insightful revelations, meditations and daily life practices designed to help the reader find happiness in a world of indifference. The Responsive Universe illuminates a less trodden path of mindfulness and awareness with the goal of suffering less and connecting to that inner voice within that speaks wisdom and truth. Within each of the Nine Mandalas is a new chapter of clarity and responsiveness to life. John C. Bader will discuss living with an open mind, scientific creation, de-construction of organized religion, the ego, karma, energy healing and positive manifestation, coping with loss and the past, and a complete life changing shift in social mainstream perception. Bridging science with spirituality, the concept of God will be eloquently redefined based on current working theories and laws within Quantum and Astrophysics. The value added meditations and daily life practices are designed to create positive mental imprints on your thoughts, actions and reactions; with the goal of becoming more mindful of your True Nature and the quantum energy that drives this conscious and responsive Universe.


We need to connect to this quality of space within 

our minds and also within our surroundings. 

We need to find boundless space during challenges, 

loss and conflict; living within that space will bring 

forth more clarity and awareness - from clarity 

and awareness wells love, instinct, 

wisdom and self-discovery….


© Copyright 2014, The Responsive Universe

Wisdom Moon Publishing

All rights reserved.

No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or
transmitted by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or
otherwise, without written permission from the author.

All images used with permission of the copyright holders.


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